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10 week meditation programme
Introduction (8:34)
Week 1
Lesson 1: Grounding in Reality (24:24)
Meditation: The simple breath (Ana Pana) (14:58)
The story of the horse farmer (3:14)
Week 2
Lesson 2: Letting go to change (27:18)
Meditation: The breath in the body (17:26)
week 3
Lesson 3: L:istening to your body (30:33)
Meditation: Body Scan (16:48)
Week 4
Lesson 4: Living from Wholeness (27:02)
Meditation: Listening to the Whole Body (16:57)
Week 5
Lesson 5: Gratitude (18:34)
Meditation: Gratitude (18:09)
Week 6
Week 6: Embracing your shadow (41:06)
Meditation: Opening to your vulnerability (16:51)
Week 7
Week 7: Enquiring into thinking (39:20)
Meditation: Who thinks the thoughts? (15:28)
week 8
Week 8: Awareness and I (30:42)
Meditation: Awareness of awareness (19:18)
Meditation: Who thinks the thoughts?
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